
Kickup is a web-interface to manage participants of big parties.

You can see it on-line, but of course not the admin interface - it's a real project.


The project was originaly made for one party with about 70 people. The main features are:


The user interface is in Russian. But I can translate it into Englist, if you are interested.

The project was made for specific party and may be your party has some special needs - take the source code and change it :)


Public domain - you are allowed to use it in any way.


The project is available as source code via Subversion repository or for on-line view. Subversion URL is


The program is provided AS IS without any warranty. I do not promise anything about it.

But nevertheless if you found a bug or require some very good feature - please submit it to bugzilla.

If you have some questions or problems with the program - ask me per email.

Once again - no warranty.

© Anatoli Klassen